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About Anthony Gulluni
The fundamental duties of a district attorney’s office as the chief law enforcement agency in the county is the prosecution of criminal cases and the pursuit of justice for the victims of these crimes. In his first term as District Attorney, Anthony Gulluni has made significant progress on his four key initiatives, creating opportunities to impact crime prevention and develop more strategic prosecution.
Under District Attorney Gulluni’s administration, the Hampden DA’s Office has been reorganized into “specialty units.” The creation of these units allows for Superior Court assistant district attorneys to become specialists in the areas they are assigned. Additionally, it allows the Hampden DA’s Office to effectively and thoroughly prosecute the most serious cases in the county. Inherent to this reorganization was the development of a Cold Case Unit, which has experienced significant successes.
From task force efforts to fight the opioid crisis and youth-focused community outreach programs to educating and training his team, Hampden County has a dedicated public servant who has brought both hands-on experience and a fresh perspective to the challenges facing the District Attorney’s Office.
Learn more about District Attorney Gulluni’s plentiful successes during his first term, and how he will continue to ensure safety, justice and quality of life for all of Hampden County.